Hi, I'm Chelsea!

I'm here to help you thrive in school and in your career

This is your guide for all things architecture


What will I find here?

Architecture Tools


Learning Tools


Printable guides for everything from keyboard shortcuts, to camera comparison charts, to time tracking templates, and so much more.


Step-by-step tutorials of my tips and tricks for using a variety of architecture and design programs to help you work faster and smarter.



A series of online courses to learn different types of software in a variety of applications including NCARB's vignette software, Revit, Sketchup, and Adobe programs.


A glossary of architectural words, phrases, architecture tools, supplies, and organizations, etc. to help you increase your architecture vocab.




Architecture tips, tricks, and discussions where I give recaps of my YouTube videos, answer questions, and share my personal experiences studying and working within the field of architecture.


Zero waste tips on how to reduce your own waste, safer alternatives to products you may be using, and exploring my personal journey through minimalism, zero waste, and intentional living.

How will The Student Architect help me?

My goal here is to help you to avoid the mistakes that I made. I don't believe in learning the hard way, I believe in learning the smart way - from others. This allows you to evolve and make your own mistakes so you can then share your knowledge to help others. I also want to encourage you to do things you never thought you could.

Whether you're thinking about studying architecture, currently studying architecture, or practicing architecture, I want to help you succeed every step of the way!

So who are you, anyway?

I'm Chelsea Weibust. I earned my Bachelor’s and Master's Degrees in Architecture in 5 1/2 years with a minor in History of Art and Architecture from Roger Williams University. I now have my own residential design business and am working toward earning my Architecture license. I consider myself a life-long learner and take every chance I get to share my knowledge to benefit others. I also make a point to encourage women and people of color to explore the field of architecture and design because there is such a need for the integration of both men and women with racial diversity in prominent roles within the industry.

How can I stay connected?


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    CONNECT WITH ME ON INSTAGRAM @thestudentarchi


    Connect with me on YouTube at The Student Architect

    Connect with me on YouTube at The Student Architect


    My architecture channel where I share tips and tricks for studio, teach architecture and design software, and have architecture related discussions.

    Connect with me on YouTube at Chels + Cheese


    My more personal channel where I explore the ideals of minimalism, zero waste, plants, and sustainable living with my dog, Parcheesi and cat, Daphne Rose.



    How to _____ in Revit?

    Ever search for how to "do something" in Revit? In my free email course, I run through tutorials of my most frequently asked Revit questions.

    Sign up to get 7 days of Revit tutorials straight into your inbox!

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